Conversation with artist Michal dyzaynaram Anempodistova | Flying University container store white plains
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In that year, in the framework of public lectures Flying University "Urbi et Orbi" Anempadistov Michael told us about "The container store white plains Color of Belarus." Then we lecture is not recorded, and it was only in the memories and impressions container store white plains of those present. And now "Szasopis" a long article, the conversation with Mr Michal on the same topic. We offer it to your attention
"Szasopis" - Belarusian socio-cultural magazine devoted to issues of the day, history, literature container store white plains and art, man's place in the world. Forum Opinions Belarusians and all those who are close to the Belarusian topics. 1. What is Michael doing now Anempadistov different dyzaynar, artist and creator of Belarusian culture?
- I'm container store white plains doing now is primarily the design, the visual container store white plains as anthropological. That is in addition to the design of any object or graphic works I try to understand how to look Belarusian culture. If you visualize the Belarusian culture, I try to understand how it looks. What's her style, there are canons. What is a conditional, statistical, ideal Belarusian, which is not in nature, the concept of beauty. It is difficult to verbalizavats, I never really thought about it. I am trying to understand at last that to find and identify the image of Belarusian culture.
On the one hand there are developments container store white plains in recent years people are engaged in it, learn. For example wooden architecture or Belarusian towel weaving. Somehow it turns out that all these fragments. Each explores a fragment. The result is a fragmented visual monuments or canons, style. Architecture is one thing, quite another weaving. And I wonder that it's somehow still try to connect. Where to cling to that which it implies. There are some universal laws and values that permeate the entire household Belarusian culture. In short - this is me lately are most interested in.
If you specify, it is a big project that I have long been engaged in, it is called "The Color of Belarus." I thought that the color in itself is a non-verbal language. Every nation has a preference regarding the color. In different cultures, one like the colors, the other the second. I was interested to find out with what color it prefers a conditional Belarusian. What colors caught in the Belarusian culture, and who were themselves become part of this culture. And, accordingly, the whole story. Why this color fond of Belarusians. As he got to Belarus, which has no influence. It is clear that we do not live in an isolated space. We are in contact with our neighbors, we have something to occupy them, the neighbors to us through our desire to impose and we have that with the passage of time is perceived as their own. It interested me. The result was a project "Color container store white plains of Belarus" with the visual selection, that is, photographs container store white plains and various artifacts from the text part.
- The intrigue of my work is on that I can not stand in the name of the color, but rather ask the question about the color of Belarus, container store white plains without naming any. I find it interesting that everyone is trying to answer this provocative question. As for me personally, I believe container store white plains that Belarus is the color gray.
- Of course, gray now has mainly negative connotations. As a synonym or symbol container store white plains nausea, hopelessness. But if you dig deeper, note that the Belarusian verbal tradition gray positive. All totemic animal endowed with a kind of sacred significance - they are all gray. They do not exist without container store white plains the addition of color. Goat carrying prosperity and fertility. Kotick sherenki, spinning. Mouse gray ponytail that breaks the golden egg. All this is very cosmological tale. Gray jackdaw bringing gold keys from the ground Jury, which opens them earthly race.
All these animals gray accidental. In this case, the color of comfort, security, a sense of softness and warmth. When I was engaged in less operating time with respect to the existing psychophysical action color, I thought that the gray color in addition to that it is in a sense, boring, even obscure. I am sure that he has beyond that soothes as color neutral. After all, he first achromatic, it means that he is the spectral range between black and white, it does not irritate. Therefore, in a sense, he is calm and a sense of security.
For the Belarusian culture in the use of color everyday culture, in the interior, it was very limited. In fact, this whole life consisted of unpainted materials. Wood, clay that only sometimes technologically blanket. We have almost container store white plains no color, ceramic fuel. The most common natural was, which depends on the color of the clay. Byaskolernasts time characteristic of traditional culture. By the way, this is a lot of people wrote. Ian Bulhak in his book "The Edge of childhood"