Monday, April 14, 2014

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Monday, December 16, 2013 transition towns, cities sustainable, iso container dimensions conscious consumption, design iso container dimensions thinking, ecodesign, Lego, Zero Waste, waste, UNICEF Brick 0 comments
UNICEF, the UN agency, can gain a boost in shares help populations affected by natural disasters. iso container dimensions The creation of Psychic Factory designers called UNICEF and consists of a brick-shaped package iso container dimensions wall to provide water and non-perishable food affected by natural iso container dimensions disasters which can later be used as a building block for temporary iso container dimensions shelters affected population.
The package has inspired Lego toys, known for the ease with which format are mounted on each other. According to the proposal of the creators, iso container dimensions these hollow blocks would take food and water inside iso container dimensions the two compartments, and would be distributed in emergencies.
The device iso container dimensions was designed for emergency situations, as during natural disasters, food is a top priority, but always ends up generating a huge amount of waste. Now, with the new packaging avoids the production of waste, iso container dimensions since the containers will be reused as building material.
After consuming food and drinking water, local residents affected could put the pieces together, fill them with soil or sand, giving it weight, and then begin construction, piling them in the same way we did with the lego as children. The idea is that even after the construction of temporary shelters, the bricks can also be reused iso container dimensions elsewhere. Functional, no?

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