Saturday, June 14, 2014

New testing requirements splitter heat pump industry

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Google is building 76 meter floating buildings welded together by rotting in several places in the United States, and the search giant refuses to reveal their purpose. Showroom for Google Glass or floating data centers, says the bids so far. By Thomas Djursing November 6, 2013 at. 11:29
Two floating buildings of 76 meters of welded shipping containers have appeared on both the West Coast and East Coast. hamburg sud The containers are owned by Google, who refuse to reveal their function, and the silence has already been an avalanche of rumors started and got anger to flare up.
Environmental organizations are convinced that the buildings will emit hot water and harm the marine environment, and lawyers raging in the New York Post. Law professor Dorothy Glancy from Clara University hamburg sud warns Google that the public suspicion is likely to grow, and the president of the consumer organization Consumer Watchdog, advocate Jamie Court, calling it ironic that a company that lives by opening the world's information hamburg sud to anyone now 'guardian so jealously over his own company's secret. (...) Google barges are a perfect metaphor for a company that used to ask forgiveness for his sins instead of a permit, "it said.
But the truth is that no one can prove what I have going in. The craftsmen who in recent weeks have dragged technical equipment into barges at it and port authorities who have carried out inspections at it. But their lips are sealed with seven seals. The mayor of San Francisco, where one barge is, do not know, and the police communicate just that it is not their table. Data center or showroom?
Currently there are two views on what I got going on: Either make the reality of an old patent on floating data centers that can be used in the event of natural disasters, or it showrooms for Google glasses, Google Glass.
Several U.S. media reports that made room for large spaces in the building and windows are sparse vertical slits in the side of the building. On one side of the ground floor is a container made an angle so that it forms a kind of ramp. Is BAL a reference to Wall-E? hamburg sud
The first barge was discovered by the American press in May this year during construction in New London, Connecticut, but construction had actually been going on since 2011. Awareness hamburg sud of Google has increased hamburg sud these days, because the news service Cnet discovered an identical barge on a former military base on Treasure Island in San Francisco.
The barges that Google's buildings stand on, bear the names BAL0010 BAL0011 and. They are owned firm City and Large LLC. Several commentators hamburg sud on the web believe that it is Google's own humorous reference hamburg sud to the fictional company Buy N Large, which appeared in the animated film 'Wall-E'.
Nicholas Colding 7 months ago 12
Moving to int. waters will probably be of no great importance, since you can still intercept data to and from the "boat". The servers must also have the added power from some power, so total independence is not achieved. hamburg sud A floating platform makes mobile computing power, hamburg sud but I did not look particularly seaworthy fleet out ...
Was not there an article on ing recently about Russia's plans to make a liquid works? It may well not be the biggest problem in the world to use a reactor similar to those used on submarines?
Yes, thank you. My internal compass was turned 90 degrees. Is directed
Google has access hamburg sud to the collective hamburg sud body of knowledge in the world, and can block the most important so we have not see it. In this way, they removed the recipes for both time machines, top light engines and DNA sequences that would give honest politicians, and keep it all for themselves. Now they built a fleet that can colonize the universe. Soon, the most intelligent and "worthy" people on the planet receiving an invitation to help to create a new society on Alpha Centauri.
Moving to int. waters will probably be of no great importance, since you can still intercept data to and from the "boat". The servers must also have the added power from some power, so total independence is not achieved. A floating platform makes mobile computing power, but I did not look particularly seaworthy fleet out ...
"But I can [sarcasm] like [/ sarcasm] to the environmental organization are going crazy over something they have no idea what is. [Sarcasm] It is nevertheless a signal of credibility [/ sarcasm]."
New testing requirements splitter heat pump industry
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