Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Saturday Today there is an article on the Mediterranean Corridor. Presents interesting points li

In Saturday Today there is an article on the Mediterranean Corridor. Presents interesting points like Orbital Corridor expansion project that will ring in the Mediterranean and Autometro service that allows mol line cars to move between SEAT's Martorell and the Port using existing roads and railway equipment FGC. Explains the episode of Tipp-Ex, which must have been a solemn slap ministers Spanish no matter what party they have defended the central and death have underestimated the Mediterranean axis against Europe. He concludes by explaining that we must understand the corridor, especially the new economic model that involves mol line (a new paradigm), in its full extent. mol line Party Logistics
We were given a series of exciting data: there is a danger zone on the road Clot, between Barcelona and Martorell has reduced the number mol line of thousand truck trips through the Autometro http://www / wiki / Autometro.
(The operator is owned by FGC Autometro in (60%), and Comsa Rail Transport Pecovasa and was created mol line to transport cars from SEAT factory mol line in Martorell and the Port for the lines of metric width (narrow) Llobregat - Anoia and freight branch Cornella de Llobregat - Barcelona Port FGC.) We are told that the volume of container port in the Mediterranean triples the Atlantic. But we said that our ports have transferred locally, showing mol line visionary projects such as railway orbital ring that runs along the European and African Mediterranean coast.
He explained that the map of the corridor has already been imposed by European regulations as mandatory, scheduled for 2030 and how they got the commissioner of transportation gourd with Tipp-Ex corridor connecting mol line central Pyrenees (say felt "God Our Lord became too high mountains of the Pyrenees mol line to transfer them so full of merchandise.") In short, mol line the room dressed macroeconomics, globalization and the future, confirming the speakers with their speeches mol line famous phrase of one of them (MEP Mr. Tremosa): "Catalonia is logistics or will not be." mol line So the most skeptical enjoyed the party, thanking the effectiveness and effort of the speakers.
Impose central corridor against the validity of the axis of the Mediterranean or European gauge is not only paradoxical but stunned anyone with half a brain. All this nonsense has resulted in misalignment of the magnitude of defending Europe against the tunnel Canfranc to join Madrid with France or intermodal macronus Antequera, while under this bizarre set of values, submit to the Mediterranean Union background (marginalizing mol line as important cities such as Malaga). Now, of course, we are all delighted. mol line But beware, it happens in this country, almost everything important politically spent years discussing what we will do and then leave very little time for the development of projects for the technicians. It should be exactly the opposite. I would affect this, because we should not forget that the word derives from a logistical and military sense, therefore, neglects those aspects of human life away from obtaining power and a particular model of wealth.
The shadow is long and infrastructure affects us all, not only be read from a single parameter. Be incorporated into many aspects of its forecast as necessary for proper social development. We understand the corridor, especially the new economic model that involves, in all its breadth. Therefore, we take this opportunity to plan properly mol line and use the land, respecting the little landscape, heritage and natural environment that we have, harnessing them as key economic assets, linked to human welfare. Catalonia is not only Europe's Mediterranean mol line border, is an area of social, cultural and wealthy farmer. Make no mistake exclusively prioritizing its strategic position and forgetting the rest of his qualities.
Architects can understand this complexity mol line and prioritize coordinating mol line multidisciplinary teams to develop proposals for the corridor Catalonia, mixing all settings. Just a receiver willing mol line to seriously assess them.
2014 (38) January mol line (38) 2013 (487) December (61) November (72) October (64) September (4) August (34) July (43) June (45) May (44) April (40) March (37) February (18) 02.28.13. Pathetic railway communication and pe ... 02/26/13. In Spain what im

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