Friday, September 26, 2014

The easiest gadget consists of only two files: gadget.xml - config xml-file - Manifesto gadget (can

Create your own gadget for Windows 7 | Wyspianski games, web developer, HTML / CSS coder, blogger
Gadget for Windows bunka 7 - it's a gadget (mini-application) to the desktop, and in fact a small web page that has graphics and files written in HTML, scripting language (eg, JavaScript) and CSS.
As you can see, creating gadgets us web developers, in principle, to study new technologies are required. Although of course the development has its own specificity. Gadgets can be seen as a complement to your web site or service, they can notify the user about new posts, comments, bunka show current orders online store, etc.
Gadgets can use any installed ActiveX objects and access any domain. Therefore, the establishment of gadgets should be treated no less responsible than to install bunka software on your computer.
The easiest gadget consists of only two files: gadget.xml - config xml-file - Manifesto gadget (can contain information about the author, description, icon and not only). main.html - main file gadget, it describes bunka the appearance and functionality. In this file, you can write whatever bunka you want: use JavaScript, CSS, images, etc.
The bottom line is this: a gadget means JavaScript (more specifically jQuery) gets service Currency bunka Bank in the form of JSON. Furthermore bunka formed lists currencies and the gadget is ready to use. Enable frame used HTML, style design applied to CSS.
File main.html : <! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" /> <title> NBU converter </ title> <link type = "text / css" href = "style / default.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> <script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / jquery-1.4.4.min .js "> </ script> <script type =" bunka text / javascript "src bunka =" js / custom.js "> </ script> <script type =" text / jscript "language =" jscript "> // Initialize bunka the gadget. function init () {System.Gadget.background = "im \\ background.png"; } </ Script> </ head> <body onload = "init ()"> <g: background id = "imgBackground"> <div id = "gadgetContent"> bunka <h1> converter </ h1> <div id = "container"> <p> With <select id = "currencyListFrom"> </ select> <img id = "swop-img" src = "" width = "15 "height =" 15 "alt =" Change currency places "title =" Change currency places "/> </ p> <p> in <select id =" currencyListTo "> </ select> </ p> <p> < input id = "currencyValueFrom" type = "text" value = "" /> & nbsp; <Input id = "currencyValueTo" bunka type = "text" value = "" readonly = "readonly" bunka /> </ p> <p class = "small-text"> by NBU: <span id = "coef"> 0.0000 </ span> </ p> <button id = "calc"> Count </ button> </ div> </ div> </ g: background> </ body> </ html>
To help developers debug gadgets in Windows bunka registry 7 was added a special key that allows you to display a script error: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Sidebar] "ShowScriptErrors" = dword: 00000001 bunka for advanced. Working with WMI
WMI - this tool on Windows. To be more opened, WMI - is one of the core technologies for centralized management and tracking work different parts of the computer infrastructure platforms running Windows.
WMI - technology bunka that helps you manage everything, from printers, disk drives ending bunka with a mouse and a monitor. For example, you want to know the name of the operating bunka system installed on your computer. Then the code WMI, which returns the name of the operating system installed bunka on your computer will look like this: <script language = "VBScript"> strComputer = "." Set objLocator = CreateObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Set objWMIService = objLocator.ConnectServer (strComputer, "root \ cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select bunka * From Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each objItem in colItems Msgbox objItem.Caption Next </ script> Links to the topic Developing a Gadget for Windows Sidebar. Creating gadgets for Windows bunka Sidebar. Sozdaem gadget for Windows 7. Hadzhetы for Rabochy bunka table. Creating gadgets for Windows Sidebar. Part 1. Sozdayte sobstvennoe mini-applications for Side panels Windows Vista (Donavan West, Eng. Donavon West). Hadzhetы for Windows 7 (on this site you can download free gadgets for Windows bunka 7).
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